KIIT College of Engineering is conducting a National-Level Application Development Championship and Training series organized by Team “Able Brain” and “SINE IIT Bombay” jointly on 29th -31st Oct. (date postponed)
It will be a 3 day Workshop which will have following stages:
Stage 1: Training round to be held at Zonal Centre(KIIT College of Engineering)
Stage 2: Zonal round Competitions to be held at respective Zonal Centres (KIIT College of Engineering)
Stage 3: Final round to be held at IIT Bombay.
This training will facilitate students in achieving plentiful career objectives and, at the same time, will add value to their Curriculum vitae.
Ø Certificate would be given to each student attending the training from SINE IIT Bombay
Duration and Registration charges:
Ø It would be 3 day event and Zonal competition will be held after the training
Ø Registration charges for this training would be INR 1,500 (incl. of taxes) per student
Venue: KIIT College of Engineering, Gurgaon
Limited seats. Registration will be on first come- first serve basis.
Hurry up.
For Further inquiries/Registration, contact undersigned.
Chetan Chopra
CSE-A (7th Sem)
KIIT College of Engineering
KIIT College of Engineering